What I am Loving About My Kids Right Now

Every age and developmental stage of our children has those moments. Those moments you wish would last forever. They do something new or completely adorable and you’re keenly aware that those moments are indeed fleeting. So you cling to them, bask in them, and cherish them.

Of course, each stage also has those moments that you could do without. There are always particular aspects about each stage that you will gladly say good-bye to. Think tantrums, sleepless nights, and teething to name a few.

So, I just thought I’d share with you, what I’m completely loving about my kids right now and what I could really do without.

I am loving…

…that Big Brother has been singing “You Might Think” from The Cars ever since we saw Cars 2 on Friday. Seriously, he is obsessed with this song. We found it on our iPod and he has been playing it every chance he gets. The best part? He dances with complete abandon while listening to it. Love, love, love it.

…that Little Sister referred to our after dinner walk as the “greatest nature walk ever!” And, she brought along her magnifying glass to hunt for “baby elephant footprints”. I didn’t have the heart to tell her there’s no baby elephants around here. She was a bit deflated when we got home and had not spotted one single elephant.

…that Big Brother and Little Sister really seem to be bonding this summer. They’re playing and  making up games together, laughing at each other’s jokes, and yes…getting into trouble together. I love it.

…that Little Sister and Big Brother still need and want me at bedtime. They still want the same song to be sung and it’s different for each of them. They still ask me to stick around until their eyelids are too heavy to keep open and they drift off to sleep.

However, I could really do without…

…Big Brother and Little Sister competing to talk every.single.time we’re in the car. A shouting and crying match ensues and I’m left wishing I had some sort of magic mute button for them.

…elaborate stall tactics at bedtime. Yes, I still love the bedtime routine. But requests for extra snacks, water, books, etc…gets old super quick.

…the fact that “quiet time” more often than not means the two of them collaborating to completely destroy their bedrooms in no time flat. It’s almost not worth it.

Okay, your turn, what are you loving about your kids right now? And what could you do without?

14 Responses to What I am Loving About My Kids Right Now
  1. Amy
    July 12, 2011 | 9:34 am

    We're teething right now, and she is throwing little tantrums when we take things away from her that she's holding. But, um, hello! I'm pretty sure it's bad for an infant to hold a plastic bag. 😉

  2. flyrish
    July 12, 2011 | 9:35 am

    I'm working on a post about my son being 2.5 and I feel very much the same way. Part of me thinks it's one of my favorite ages in his life so far, while another part of me is exhausted by the challenges this age presents. Yes, Q is already doing the stall tactics at bedtime. But he's also kissing our boo-boos, which makes me melt.

    I love reading about how your son and daughter are bonding because I hope for the same with my son and daughter-to-be!

  3. Anonymous
    July 12, 2011 | 11:43 am

    My little boy has recently learned how to give hugs and kisses. He is usually wet with drool or snot (2-year molars coming in) but I still love, love, love to kiss that little face and get big bear hugs!


  4. Ameena
    July 12, 2011 | 12:10 pm

    Elephant footprints…so sweet!

    I am loving that my little one WANTS to walk to Summer Camp with me every morning instead of taking the car. I detest laziness so I'm thrilled she is asking me!

  5. Kobe'sMama
    July 12, 2011 | 6:30 pm

    I love how my 3 year old is starting to make connections with ideas that we have introduced. It's amazing to watch, especially when you think he's not listening. To hear how he puts his own spin on ideas is music to my ears. This age is SO cool.

  6. Alex
    July 12, 2011 | 7:12 pm

    I'm loving the fact that even though he had a full fun day he tells me he missed me :)

    I can also do with the extra requests at bed time I want water, I need to pee ( again)

    It does get old quicker then quick.

  7. Katherine
    July 12, 2011 | 7:39 pm

    My boys are doing some serious bonding over the last several months, and I love it!

  8. Paula @ Simply Sandwich
    July 12, 2011 | 8:20 pm

    Sounds like more good than bad! Those stall tactics at bedtime drive me crazy! Let me tell you a secret friend….they don't really go away, even when the kidlets are tweens and teens. Hugs, Paula

  9. Cheryl D.
    July 12, 2011 | 9:03 pm

    I'm still dealing with the tantrums, sleepless nights, and teething–with my 7 year old!

    On a slightly more serious note, I do like seeing my daughter mature and present some compelling arguments to things. I'm also amazed how she relates things to me that she reads that I never knew! I didn't realize that my kid would start knowing more than me at such a young age. It really surprises me!

  10. Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
    July 13, 2011 | 1:47 pm

    I love how the good outweighs the bad!
    I love how excited my kids are about the new baby. They can't wait to meet him/her!
    I could do without the almost constant bickering due to them spending all their time together!

  11. Laura@OutnumberedMom
    July 13, 2011 | 3:32 pm

    Oh, I remember those elaborate stalling techniques…but I also remember the sweetness of bedtime ritual. I just modified it as they grew and held onto it as long as I could!

    I know I'm in another universe, but I'm enjoying seeing my boys strike out on their own and seeing my oldest with his own little son.

  12. Katie Hurley, LCSW
    July 13, 2011 | 8:37 pm

    I am also loving the summer bonding. I love that my 2yo is obsessed with puzzles and that my 4yo has the most amazing imagination ever.

    I could do without the singing competitions, which involve microphones and 2 different songs sung at exactly the same time.

    I could also live without Hand Foot and Mouth…which apparently they gave to me, even though everyone says it's a childhood disease! Yuck!

  13. Jessica
    July 14, 2011 | 9:38 am

    This is such a sweet post! My daughter is 17 months now, and our days are filled with so much joy. I love the fact that she is learning to speak more and more each day. I love that she can understand so much of what I am saying to her, her smile, her laugh, her dancing to any (and I mean any) song.

  14. Anonymous
    July 14, 2011 | 10:25 am

    elephant footprints! i love it!

    i am loving that my 8-month-old
    -just started "dancing" to music
    -laughs and squeals whenever he sees *anyone*!
    -is learning to wave

    i could really do without him crying every single time i put him to bed…