I Freak Out When My Kids Get Hurt

Okay, so maybe not such a big deal…I’m sure many Moms do right? Well, you would think with my background I’d be able to have some calm and perspective. While this is true for every other child I encounter, when it comes to mine…I seriously lose all objectivity. I am definitely an over reactor when my kids get hurt, I’m sure my husband thinks I’m crazy because surprisingly he is the calm one in those situations. Boy, I would not have predicted this one! I try to hide it, but my mind spins and I of course, envision the worst…the dreaded “morbid mommy visions” that one of my friends had so accurately termed. My poor kids must hear “be careful!” over a hundred times a day and I’m not kidding. You know, I just don’t feel like freaking out today and if they get hurt after falling off that bed they’re jumping on…I am going to freak out! So please, kids…just don’t do it. I don’t want to have to take you to the doctor to find out “yes, you have a bump on your head” and then have to embarrassingly admit “yes, I’m a pediatrician too”…sigh.

4 Responses to I Freak Out When My Kids Get Hurt
  1. DK Designs
    May 19, 2010 | 2:45 pm

    LOL! Michael always tells me not to react… When he hears me gasp and freak out when Aidan hits something or gets hurt…

  2. DK Designs
    May 19, 2010 | 2:45 pm

    LOL! Michael always tells me not to react… When he hears me gasp and freak out when Aidan hits something or gets hurt…

  3. Melissa (Confessions of a Dr. Mom)
    May 19, 2010 | 3:47 pm

    I know, it's hard not to react. I guess that's what Dads are good for :-)

  4. Veronica
    May 19, 2010 | 11:50 pm

    Haha!!! We ALL freak out when our own kids get hurt! Any Mom who doesn't just isn't right. Love the term “morbid mommy visions”… so true, so true. I've definitely had my share of those, especially since little J picked up skateboarding with his Daddy!