Tag Archive: mom guilt

Maxed Out on Mom Guilt

I think we can all agree that mom guilt is just part of life when you’re a mom. In fact, that first pang of pregnancy isn’t nausea, it’s mommy guilt in its earliest form. Did I have those two glasses of wine while I was (unknowingly) pregnant? Ever since those early days as a mother,…

In Support of Sleep

Getting your infant, toddler, or even preschooler to sleep through the night is tricky at best. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may have an “easy” sleeper. You know, the one that seems content after some rocking, singing, and nursing. Things just flow and voila…you actually have a baby that…”sleeps like a…

Scrunchy Mama

“Mom, you were mad.” “Yeah, I was. Sorry.” “You were scrunchy.” “You mean grumpy?” “No, scrunchy.” Little Sister scrunches up her little face then continues on brushing her teeth. This was the conversation between me and Little Sister just moments after the incident that turned me into…well, apparently…Scrunchy Mama. It was bed time and I…

The Reality of TV

No I’m not talking about your favorite reality TV shows here though I do indulge in American Idol, Survivor, and a little of The Apprentice from time to time. I’m talking about television and our children. Right now with two young children ages 5 and 3, this television thing has become quite a sore spot…

Breastfeeding Broke My Heart

Or, rather, the inability to truly breastfeed broke my heart. I wasn’t sure I’d be ready to tell my story for quite some time. I felt inspired, compelled to share it now, don’t know why…but here it is… “You have insufficient glandular tissue.”  These words were spoken to me by my lactation consultant after what…

The First Symptom of Pregnancy

No, it’s not the nausea, fatigue, or tender breasts…I believe the first symptom of pregnancy has got to be the Mommy Guilt. We’re all afflicted by it and if you think about it, mommy guilt was probably the first pang of pregnancy you felt. Case in point, what did you do immediately after realizing that…