Tag Archive: mom guilt

Working mom: the highs and lows as captured by a 6 year old

She does this dance. A genuinely happy, exuberant, twisting, jumping, and twirling dance. And it’s all for me. Her wide, crooked smile greets me as I pull into the garage. It’s dark. I’ve been gone all day. The last time I saw her was early in the morning at kindergarten drop-off. We exchanged “kissing hands”,…

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It’s a good thing you’re not perfect! Guest post by Dr. Laura Markham

**I can’t tell you how honored and excited I am to have Dr. Laura Markham from Aha! Parenting here today with this wonderful, insightful, and encouraging guest post. I’ve been a fan of hers for a while now and regularly read her words of wisdom and advice when it comes to this roller coaster that…

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Want me to sign a breastfeeding “waiver”? I have a letter for you first

With all the cheering from the breastfeeding sidelines in response to Mayor Bloomberg’s Latch On NYC initiative, I can’t help but relive my newborn days with my own babes. What would I do when faced with a well meaning nurse, educating me on the countless benefits of breastfeeding and then asking me to sign a…

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The heart of motherhood: I found it in San Francisco

Words have eluded me the last few days. They didn’t seem enough. I couldn’t quite capture the importance of it. All I know is that on Thursday May 10th at 7pm, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. And it felt damn good. I was lucky enough to take part in something far…

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In a parenting funk

This week has been funky. And not in a good way. I blame the time change, but then I think it’s more than that. We’re busy. The mornings are rushed. Afternoons crammed. Dinnertime haphazard. Bedtime a struggle. It’s a parenting funk. I miss my kids. We’re a bit disconnected and this leaves us all feeling…

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Leaving, letting go, and irrational thoughts

So the hubs and I are planning a night away. Our first without the kids. It’s been almost 7 years, and not a night at least one of us hasn’t tucked them in, read books, sang some songs, and drifted off to sleep right by their side. I’m both incredibly excited and extremely anxious about…

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When the tooth fairy forgets, moms unite

A couple of weeks ago, I confessed on facebook how the tooth fairy forgot to visit my son. And, this wasn’t the first time. In all fairness to the hard working tooth fairy, this was Big Brother’s 8th baby tooth to be whisked away in the midnight hours and on that particular night…the tooth fairy…

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