Tag Archive: work-life balance

Like Yesterday

Just yesterday I was holding you on my hip. Swaying from side to side. A motion, it seems, gifted to all new mothers. As natural as breathing in and out. Or so it seems like yesterday. Wasn’t I just bemoaning the rough night I had, rocking you in the  midnight hours? Pacing a dark house…

Working mom: the highs and lows as captured by a 6 year old

She does this dance. A genuinely happy, exuberant, twisting, jumping, and twirling dance. And it’s all for me. Her wide, crooked smile greets me as I pull into the garage. It’s dark. I’ve been gone all day. The last time I saw her was early in the morning at kindergarten drop-off. We exchanged “kissing hands”,…

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You don’t need a costume to be a superhero

Dear Parents, Your child thinks the world of you. Yes, you. You are it. The best. The funniest. The smartest. A real life hero. Sure you may not feel exactly like the superhero type when you’re hustling everyone out the door during the morning rush. Do superheroes really have to say everything at least 10…

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At the end of the day…5 tips for reconnecting as a family

Walking in the door after a long day of clinic is both the best and frankly, the hardest part of my day. I still get the running with excitement to greet me…sometimes even with homemade art projects thrust into my face. All in the name of love. And I love it. But I’m exhausted. And…

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An unwelcome detour turned into an unforgettable moment

**It’s that time of the year, when the Christmas rush starts to loom down on all of us. Stress can easily seep into what should be a more enjoyable time of year. But…it’s inevitable…there’s just so much to do. So…in my effort to bask in the holiday moments with my family, I thought I’d share…

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Just breathe…September is almost over

I don’t know about you, but September has been a real…. I’ll let you fill in the blank. And judging by the chatter on the streets, I’m not alone. From school pick-up to the halls between dance classes; moms everywhere are tired, on edge, and unsure of which end is up. I’m no exception. In…

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When the tooth fairy forgets, moms unite

A couple of weeks ago, I confessed on facebook how the tooth fairy forgot to visit my son. And, this wasn’t the first time. In all fairness to the hard working tooth fairy, this was Big Brother’s 8th baby tooth to be whisked away in the midnight hours and on that particular night…the tooth fairy…

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