Tag Archive: The Sacramento Bee

Understanding the impact of food allergies on children and their families

Imagine for a moment that a quick trip to the grocery store can never be possible again. The problem isn’t the squirmy toddler and overtired kindergartner you must appease. The monumental task is that you must check every single label of every single item that goes into your cart. Imagine that a fun birthday party…

What I want every parent and grandparent to know about car seat safety

Driving. Some of us spend more than half of our day in our cars. With our children. We drive them to school, to day-care, to pre-school, to dance class, to soccer practice…you name it. There’s no doubt we want them to be safe. So, each and every time we buckle them in, shouldn’t we know…

5 Tips for Keeping those Baby Teeth Healthy

Taking care of those precious baby teeth matters. Aren’t they going to lose them anyway? Well, yes they will. No matter how hard we try, the tooth fairy will manage to snatch those prized baby teeth. However, the health of those first teeth is important in the long term health of our children’s “big kid”…

Coughs and Congestion: Thinking outside of the medicine cabinet

Cold and flu season has descended upon us. As parents, we are always inclined to “do” something for our children when they are sick. It’s our innate instinct. We want them to feel better. However, relieving their symptoms and nursing them back to health does not always mean reaching into our medicine cabinet. In 2008,…

Facing Teen Substance Abuse Head On

The teen years are fraught with emotion and peer pressure. Throw in the heavy issues of sex and exposure to drugs and alcohol, and you’ve got some potentially life-altering situations arising here. I can almost guarantee you that your teenage son or daughter will be offered alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes or other illicit drugs in his…

Revealing the truth about bedwetting

Bed-wetting elicits feelings of guilt, helplessness, and shame among children and parents. Yet, it is benign and commonplace. How common? Fifteen percent of 5-year-olds will experience it. There is no need for guilt, shame – or worry, for that matter. Dr. Mom is here to debunk the common myths surrounding bed-wetting and reveal the truth….

5 DOs and 1 DON’T when getting children to take their medicine

Sometimes our children need to take medicine, and sometimes making them do it can be downright painful. Your toddler may run and scream at the sight of the medicine dropper. Or your preschooler stands firm, looks you straight in the eyes, yells “NO!” and clamps her mouth firmly shut. You’re likely wishing Mary Poppins would…