Tag Archive: co-sleeping

Before I go to bed

I was thinking I should write about the new strain of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease that seems to be hitting our area pretty hard. Little ones coming in with fever, drooling, not wanting to eat, and the most distinctive and intense red, blistery rash that I’ve seen to date with regards to this viral…

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Dear parents, I support sleep…that is all

I’ve been reading and hearing about sleep issues all over the place lately; on facebook, on twitter, in my inbox, in various blog posts, and in clinic. I’ve heard and read: I feel like a failure, my 3 year still doesn’t sleep through the night. I’ve somehow failed my child, she can’t sleep unless she’s…

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Shocking Co-Sleeping Ad: Effective or Offensive?

The City of Milwaukee has unveiled a new and controversial ad campaign aimed to warn parents about the “dangers” of co-sleeping. As you can see, the ad is quite shocking and morbid. And, clearly, they know that. Apparently, Milwaukee has recently seen at least 10 infant deaths per year as a direct result of unsafe…

Can Co-Sleeping Be Done Safely?

The co-sleeping (or bed sharing) debate rages on, and for good reason. We (pediatricians and parents alike) want to keep our babies safe. With this most recent article on  sleep safety and co-sleeping however, the conclusion seems a bit misleading. The unsafe sleep practices cited in this article, such as loose bedding, pillows, or sleeping…

In Support of Sleep

Getting your infant, toddler, or even preschooler to sleep through the night is tricky at best. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may have an “easy” sleeper. You know, the one that seems content after some rocking, singing, and nursing. Things just flow and voila…you actually have a baby that…”sleeps like a…

In Support of Sleep

Getting your infant, toddler, or even preschooler to sleep through the night is tricky at best. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may have an “easy” sleeper. You know, the one that seems content after some rocking, singing, and nursing. Things just flow and voila…you actually have a baby that…”sleeps like a…

Desperate for Sleep

Yesterday morning I woke up to find the following e-mail in my inbox. Boy, did this sound familiar. All too familiar and I could easily relate to this mother writing to me at one o’clock in the morning…desperate for sleep. Desperate for some kind of solution. Just plain desperate. I have been there. Her words…