Tag Archive: breastfeeding

Quick tips on introducing your baby to solid food

When Not before 4 months of age. Studies have shown that babies introduced to solid foods before then are at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, celiac disease, and eczema. Not to mention that it can interfere with breastfeeding. For exclusively breastfed infants, 6 months is the ideal time to introduce baby’s first foods. In general,…

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Can food allergies be prevented?

With the increasing prevalence of food allergies among children (now up to 5% of all children less than 5 years old), being able to pinpoint preventive measures would come as a huge welcome to both parents and medical providers alike. And while we know that the development of food allergies is a highly complex mix…

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To all the mothers who struggled with breastfeeding

This was the story I knew I wanted to tell. It felt right the moment I put hands to laptop. And when the opportunity arrived for me to tell the story…well I knew it was meant to be. From the hundreds of e-mails and comments I received when I initially wrote this post…I knew this…

Want me to sign a breastfeeding “waiver”? I have a letter for you first

With all the cheering from the breastfeeding sidelines in response to Mayor Bloomberg’s Latch On NYC initiative, I can’t help but relive my newborn days with my own babes. What would I do when faced with a well meaning nurse, educating me on the countless benefits of breastfeeding and then asking me to sign a…

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The real problem with overzealous breastfeeding advocacy

Mommy wars aside, I think you’d have to be living under a rock if you haven’t heard the enormous and real benefits of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is awesome on so many levels. Health of baby and mom alike. Both physical and emotional. But, what if it doesn’t work? What if you’re a mom (like me) who…

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The heart of motherhood: I found it in San Francisco

Words have eluded me the last few days. They didn’t seem enough. I couldn’t quite capture the importance of it. All I know is that on Thursday May 10th at 7pm, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. And it felt damn good. I was lucky enough to take part in something far…

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Breastfeeding and the agony of baby’s first bottle

That moment is etched forever in my mind…and it’s anything but a happy and pleasant moment. However, to well-meaning family members, that was a moment to be captured on film. Cute. A milestone to ooh and ahh over. My baby was getting his first bottle. And all I wanted to do was hide away, cry…

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