Tag Archive: Big Brother

An unwelcome detour turned into an unforgettable moment

**It’s that time of the year, when the Christmas rush starts to loom down on all of us. Stress can easily seep into what should be a more enjoyable time of year. But…it’s inevitable…there’s just so much to do. So…in my effort to bask in the holiday moments with my family, I thought I’d share…

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A letter to my son about his little sister

Little sisters are the best. No wait…4 year old little sisters are the best. No…wait…if you happen to be a certain 7 year old Big Brother, your Little Sister is the best. Case in point… When you accompany me to pick up Little Sister from preschool, she immediately spots you, takes off running towards you…

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Before I go to bed

I was thinking I should write about the new strain of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease that seems to be hitting our area pretty hard. Little ones coming in with fever, drooling, not wanting to eat, and the most distinctive and intense red, blistery rash that I’ve seen to date with regards to this viral…

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Yup, the kids are going to be all right

Sibling rivalry is pretty much par for the course when you have more than one child. Tug of wars over beloved toys, arguments over whose turn it is to pick the flick for movie night, and stepping on each other’s words (as they call it) at the dinner table. It’s inevitable. A parental rite of…

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A case of scarlet fever

Scarlet Fever. That diagnosis sounds scarier than it truly is. It’s essentially Strep Throat with a telltale red, sandpaper quality type body rash. My son is currently being treated for Scarlet Fever. This is how it all started: Day 1 Chills began seemingly out of nowhere. He was at the baseball field, practicing with some…

On the proper way to say I’m sorry

Having a big brother must be so amazingly awesome. I wouldn’t know, I don’t have one. But Little Sister is super lucky to have the big brother that she does. Aside from hearing leave me alone, don’t wreck that, or don’t hug me, she gets schooled on how to give the proper apology. I was…

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Thankful for these moments

I love Thanksgiving. Love being around family. Love relaxing with the kiddos. Love the delicious food and even better conversations. Thanksgiving means warmth and love to me and what could be better than that? Here are 5 moments I’m thankful for. Right here and right now. And, in the chaos that the holidays inevitably bring,…