Category Archives: Dr.Mom Column

Follow up on bedwetting: feeling humiliated and the sleep link

Since this past Tuesday’s Dr.Mom column in The Sacramento Bee, where I discussed bedwetting and encouraged parents to try to relax and not worry so much; I’ve had several e-mails and comments. Two of which I believe deserve more attention, so I will expand on those today. Feeling Humiliated The first comment that really got…

Revealing the truth about bedwetting

Bed-wetting elicits feelings of guilt, helplessness, and shame among children and parents. Yet, it is benign and commonplace. How common? Fifteen percent of 5-year-olds will experience it. There is no need for guilt, shame – or worry, for that matter. Dr. Mom is here to debunk the common myths surrounding bed-wetting and reveal the truth….

On Preventing Childhood Obesity

We hear so much about the obesity epidemic these days, and for good reason. In the past two decades, obesity has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the United States. While genetics plays a significant role in the risk for this condition, it does not tell the whole story. Predisposed doesn’t equal predestined….

5 DOs and 1 DON’T when getting children to take their medicine

Sometimes our children need to take medicine, and sometimes making them do it can be downright painful. Your toddler may run and scream at the sight of the medicine dropper. Or your preschooler stands firm, looks you straight in the eyes, yells “NO!” and clamps her mouth firmly shut. You’re likely wishing Mary Poppins would…