Category Archives: children’s health

Help your child keep seasonal allergies at bay

Spring is here and with all the beautiful blooms and warm days comes the tree and grass pollen (the most common Spring allergy triggers). Combine that with the wind and kids spending more time outside and unfortunately, what you get are an uptick in your kids’ allergy symptoms. While some kids will only have mild…

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Quick tips on introducing your baby to solid food

When Not before 4 months of age. Studies have shown that babies introduced to solid foods before then are at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, celiac disease, and eczema. Not to mention that it can interfere with breastfeeding. For exclusively breastfed infants, 6 months is the ideal time to introduce baby’s first foods. In general,…

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Why does my baby hate tummy time?

This is a question I hear from parents of babies all the time. I know we should be doing tummy time, but every time I place him on this stomach, he just starts crying. I really think he hates it. Well, maybe…but maybe not. Sometimes us parents need to tweak our perspective a bit and…

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Can food allergies be prevented?

With the increasing prevalence of food allergies among children (now up to 5% of all children less than 5 years old), being able to pinpoint preventive measures would come as a huge welcome to both parents and medical providers alike. And while we know that the development of food allergies is a highly complex mix…

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Ear infections and your child: why antibiotics are not always the answer

If your child has ever had an ear infection and/or suffers from recurrent ear infections; then you know they can really hurt and sideline your child for a few days. But for most children, did you know that most ear infections will resolve spontaneously (up to 70% of cases) without the need for antibiotics? I…

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When your child gets hurt

My daughter recently had a nasty fall. One of those falls that takes your breath away, leaves you frozen in terror, and brings forth an incomprehensible scream. And there’s nothing you can do. You’re too far away. It’s both slow motion and in the blink of an eye. I didn’t want to know what I…

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6 ways to moderate screen time in your home

We’re living in a media world. No doubt about that. In fact, media follows us wherever we go these days. And our kids are honestly the most savvy among us. They get the hang of navigating iPhones and the various apps faster than you can figure out what your password is. Media is here to…

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