Category Archives: child safety

Does Your Child Get Enough Sleep?

Sleep. Essential. Elusive. In seemingly short supply. We all crave it. We all need it. And most of us know the untoward effects of sleep deprivation on ourselves. However, do you know the long term effects of sleep deprivation on your children? Sure, we all know they can get cranky and prone to temper tantrums….

Just Say No to Bumper Pads

Over the past couple of clinic days, I have had quite a few parents ask me when they should take their bumper pads off their baby’s crib. My immediate reply? Now. Honestly, I had no idea that bumper pads were still so widely used. I know they sell them as part of adorable crib bedding…

The DOs and DON’Ts of Preparing Your Child for Shots

—Dear Dr.Mom My son is going to be 5 in May. At his well child visit, he’s going to have to get a bunch of shots. Is there any way I can prepare him for this? I don’t want him to be surprised at the doctor when the needles come out, but I also don’t…

It Happened to Me…

My child ingested a rogue pill. Don’t worry, she is okay. It was an Advil and apparently, it looked like an orange M&M. It certainly didn’t taste like one as she quickly discovered. Most of it was spit out, but it scared me and my reaction certainly scared her. The thing is, I had no…

Over at Pediatric Safety

Just in case you missed it yesterday, I had my first post up over at Pediatric Safety. This is a wonderful site headed by Stefanie Zucker who is a passionate crusader for child safety and health. Her and her colleagues spearheaded the development of the first ever ambulance child seat and created the cause, Ambulances…