Category Archives: Ask Dr.Mom

The Five Year Old Tantrum

Today’s Ask Dr.Mom is all about the dreaded tantrum. We have all found ourselves in the midst of this great storm at one time or another, and unfortunately toddlers aren’t the only ones prone to them. One reader had this question: Dear Dr.Mom Is it normal for a five year old to have tantrums? –Joey…

Just Say No to Bumper Pads

Over the past couple of clinic days, I have had quite a few parents ask me when they should take their bumper pads off their baby’s crib. My immediate reply? Now. Honestly, I had no idea that bumper pads were still so widely used. I know they sell them as part of adorable crib bedding…

Not All Pink Eyes are Created Equal

For today’s Ask Dr.Mom, I’ll be talking about pink eye. I get so many questions from parents about this, mostly it goes like this: “ewww…I hope it’s not pink eye!” Pink eye is one of those afflictions that causes us to squirm, think “oh no!”, and inspire us to wash our hands a million times…

Thumbs Up

For today’s Ask Dr.Mom, we will be talking about thumb sucking. This is a topic near and dear to my heart because I was an avid thumb sucker as a child and I certainly recall having difficulty kicking this habit. Fortunately, most children who suck their thumbs give it up on their own volition and…

Fevers in Children…When to Treat

Dear Dr.Mom My 13 month old daughter has a fever, should I give her a fever reducer? I’ve been hearing so many conflicting opinions. What should I do? —Yuliya Fever is one of those things in our children that triggers a natural response from us as mothers…we want to treat it. Even I have been…

Strep Throat Dilemma

Dear Dr. Mom, I have a situation with strep that is making me crazy! My 12 year old has had strep at least 12 times in the past 8 months. Each time we treat with antibiotics. We’re REALLY good about following the dosing directions. Yet, at least half the time, the first round of antibiotics…

The DOs and DON’Ts of Preparing Your Child for Shots

—Dear Dr.Mom My son is going to be 5 in May. At his well child visit, he’s going to have to get a bunch of shots. Is there any way I can prepare him for this? I don’t want him to be surprised at the doctor when the needles come out, but I also don’t…