Author Archives: Melissa

Don’t let burns, cuts, scrapes, or bites get in your way of Summer Fun

  Summer means exploring the great outdoors. Camping, days at the beach, hiking, and fishing by the lake…sounds like idyllic Summer Fun to me. And it is. But with all the fun, we know as parents we’ll be faced with our fair share of skinned knees, insect bites, red noses and shoulders (oops!), and the…

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Simplify your sunscreen routine once and for all

Doesn’t this picture make you think…oh, how fun. A nice, laid-back summer afternoon…heading to the pool. But parents, we know the truth. And the truth is the moments (or what seems like hours) leading up to this adorable picture (if I do say so myself) were anything but fun and laid-back. Sunscreen. A must before…

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9 Ways to Summer Safety-Proof Your Home Today

Hurray for summer! The kids are home, staying up late, and not sleeping in. Oh, wait…that’s not necessarily cheer worthy. Nonetheless, once you finally settle in to the summer routine; you have to admit, summer is pretty great. And when it comes to kids and summer…well, the reality is they aren’t exactly endless. Our inner…

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4 busloads of kids: Or why medicine safety is important

Imagine that you see 4 school buses driving past you on the way home today. Imagine that those 4 buses are filled with children. Now imagine that those 4 busloads of kids are heading straight to the ER because every single one of them has accidentally ingested a medicine and they now need emergency medical…

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Laundry is a chore, Safety is a must

Your guide to safely tackling the daily laundry with kids in tow. There is just no getting around it. We all have laundry. Some of us have two separate piles. One is clean (and continuously gets thrown into the dryer time and again for a re-fluff) with all good intentions of folding and putting away…

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Dad: More than just BBQs and Fireworks

I suppose this is my somewhat belated public show of appreciation for good and involved Dads everywhere. But, mainly it’s to the one that my two kids call Dad. My husband. An amazing Dad. And I don’t say that lightly. I know how good my kids have it. I know that they will never really…

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What does safe medicine storage look like?

Did you know that over of 80% of ER visits among kids less than 12 are due to accidental or unsupervised medicine ingestion? This translates into over 70,000 ER visits in children less than 18 for unintentional medication overdose. Children getting into over-the-counter and prescription medicine is a huge problem. And we know that accidents…

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