Category Archives: stranger safety

Stranger Safety and Doing Our Best

I cannot deny what has been foremost on my mind throughout the day, and now, during this late hour, when I mean to be sleeping. I am thinking about this poor child in New York. The one abducted and killed by a stranger. It’s horrific, tragic, and heart wrenching. It makes me think of my…

The Kindness of Strangers or Stranger Danger

A couple of years ago when first introducing my son to the concept of strangers, it seemed simple enough. A stranger is someone you don’t know. You should not talk to strangers unless mom or dad is with you. You should never go anywhere with a stranger, no matter what. Now, the concept of strangers…

Stranger Safety Tips Inspired by Santa

I’m over at Our Mommyhood today sharing some tips on teaching our children stranger safety. My son, always keeping us on our toes, wants to know if Santa is a stranger. See how we handled that hot potato and come on over to share your own stranger safety tips.

Follow-Up Friday: The Cautious Fish and the Super Chick

Thanks to all of you who shared the “growing pains” that you’re going through right now. I love to hear your stories. Again, feel free to comment on this post if you have some “growing pain” moments to share. Okay, so my follow-up Friday is still a work in progress. My goal is to “follow-up”…