Category Archives: potty training

You Can Lead a Child to the Potty…

You know how the rest of the saying goes don’t you? You can lead a child to the potty, but you can’t make her pee. This is essentially my philosophy on potty training and highlights what I believe our role is as parents when potty training is concerned. Ultimately, the decision is up to our…

Potty Training Tips…Keeping It Low Key

Thank you for all your wonderful and insightful comments.  I love hearing what other Moms have gone through…it’s a great learning experience for me, and I hope, for all of you as well.  As part of my Follow-Up Friday, I’d like to recap what we’ve learned so far about potty training.  Girls ARE easier to…

The Lazy Mom’s Guide to Potty Training

I use the word “guide” very loosely, and the lazy mom here is me. This is how I’m potty training my almost 3 year old daughter.  First, wait until she is just 2 months shy of turning 3 and so tired of wearing those wet pull ups that she takes them off herself.  Second, let her run…