Category Archives: motherhood

Thankful for these moments

I love Thanksgiving. Love being around family. Love relaxing with the kiddos. Love the delicious food and even better conversations. Thanksgiving means warmth and love to me and what could be better than that? Here are 5 moments I’m thankful for. Right here and right now. And, in the chaos that the holidays inevitably bring,…

I Don’t Know How She Does It

How do you do it? I don’t know how you do it. Chances are you’ve heard these words before. You may have even been the one to speak them. Some may find questions or remarks like these quite rude or irritating. I, however do not. I mean we’ve all wondered it at some point in…

Maxed Out on Mom Guilt

I think we can all agree that mom guilt is just part of life when you’re a mom. In fact, that first pang of pregnancy isn’t nausea, it’s mommy guilt in its earliest form. Did I have those two glasses of wine while I was (unknowingly) pregnant? Ever since those early days as a mother,…

8 Truths About Vacation with Kids

1.  It takes two days to fully give in to vacation mode, so plan accordingly. This is how long it takes to deprogram yourself from the schedule and rules that seem so important when you’re at home. 2.  Then, it will take two full weeks to “un-vacation” yourself. Hence, the suitcases remain half packed and…

A Promise to Savor Summer

There are no guarantees in parenting, are there? As I reflect on my most recent post, tears swiftly come to the surface. I’m still filled with self doubt, guilt, and worry about how I reacted to my darling boy’s honest admissions. Tiny infractions by my six year old that filled me with so many conflicting…

My Top 3 Parenting Mantras

Recently, I have been thinking, what wisdom would I impart to my new mom self if I could miraculously go  back in time? Besides telling myself not to worry so much and that yes, I should really sleep when the baby is sleeping…what have I actually learned in the last six years? What I’ve come…

Parenting is Hard and I Survived the First Year

I believe the first year of blogging is akin to the first year of your baby’s life. It’s exhausting, all consuming, and filled with self-doubt. It is also filled with love, determination, and a surprising amount of passion. This week marks the one year anniversary of my blog. The official date is May 19th. It’s the…