Category Archives: motherhood

Breastfeeding and the agony of baby’s first bottle

That moment is etched forever in my mind…and it’s anything but a happy and pleasant moment. However, to well-meaning family members, that was a moment to be captured on film. Cute. A milestone to ooh and ahh over. My baby was getting his first bottle. And all I wanted to do was hide away, cry…

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Trusting my instinct…

Mommy, how do you spell book? Okay, b, I got b. Okay o, I got o….she continues until her sentence is complete. Hey mom, I can spell…m-y, and oh yeah, t-h-e. Wait, wait…here’s our family. I can spell all of our names. And mom? Can I go to school every day? This from a little…

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Breastfeeding broke my heart

Or, rather, the inability to truly breastfeed broke my heart. “You have insufficient glandular tissue.”  These words were spoken to me by my lactation consultant after what seemed like hours as she poked and prodded my breasts. I was three weeks in to being a new mom and was an emotional wreck.  Breastfeeding was going…

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Leaving, letting go, and irrational thoughts

So the hubs and I are planning a night away. Our first without the kids. It’s been almost 7 years, and not a night at least one of us hasn’t tucked them in, read books, sang some songs, and drifted off to sleep right by their side. I’m both incredibly excited and extremely anxious about…

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Parenting done “right”…a bitter pill to swallow

So I went to bed angry last night. Okay, not so much angry as frustrated and sad. And I really wanted to have it resolved before hitting the sheets, but you know…I was exhausted. I’m not talking marriage counseling here, though hubs and I were equally frustrated and starting to turn on each other. I’m…

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When the tooth fairy forgets, moms unite

A couple of weeks ago, I confessed on facebook how the tooth fairy forgot to visit my son. And, this wasn’t the first time. In all fairness to the hard working tooth fairy, this was Big Brother’s 8th baby tooth to be whisked away in the midnight hours and on that particular night…the tooth fairy…

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Sadness and liberation when the baby days are over

Diapers. Gone. Swaddling blankets and strollers? Donated. There’s not a pacifier in sight nor bottles to be washed. As I look around our home, I’m hard pressed to find signs that babies used to live here. Bouncy seats, baby swings, diapers (both dirty and clean), bottles, and a plethora of baby blankets have been replaced…