Does the Tooth Fairy accept other forms of payment?

ParentingSo Big Brother did something incredibly ingenious/sneaky/endearing (take your pick here) the other night.

He was dutifully working on a “note” before bed. Concentrating really hard, taking his time to draw a nice picture. He even asked me how to “exactly spell” some words so there would be no confusion.

When I finally asked what he was doing, he says matter of fact, “I’m writing a note for the tooth fairy”.

Okay. I’m playing along.

But you don’t have any loose teeth right now…do you?


Alright, I’m a little confused but it’s bedtime, he can do whatever he wants as long as he gets his little tushie up those stairs.

He proudly grabs his note in one hand, and Little Sister’s Strawberry Shortcake figurines complete with the Berry Car, in the other.

I have to ask.

What’s that for?

For the Tooth Fairy.

If I leave her something she likes, maybe she can bring me the HexBug set I want.

Oh boy…hold on there Big Brother.

Gently, I try to explain to him that it doesn’t quite work that way and that I don’t think Little Sister was looking to offload her Strawberry Shortcake set just yet.

Okay then, I’ll leave her my bell.

I try to explain that the Tooth Fairy only takes teeth.


He seems unfazed and heartbreakingly hopeful.

I just want a peaceful goodnight so I don’t necessarily stop him.

I sheepishly offer…I guess we’ll see (bad mom, I know).

For one, I don’t have a HexBug set ready for him. And two, I don’t think he should get one just because he’s found some sort of loophole around the whole, “put it on your Christmas or Birthday wish list”.

And yet, oh my gosh, did he break my heart when he woke up first thing in the morning, rushed to his dresser to check on his note, then realizing the Tooth Fairy had indeed not come, drearily proclaimed….ohhh, I guess she didn’t come.

So no, the Tooth Fairy does not accept other forms of payment Big Brother.

Guess you better start working on the rest of your precious baby teeth.


What would you have done? Should I just go on out and get that darn HexBug Set or is the fate of all parents resting on the fact that I do.not. budge on this one? What kind of precedent would I be setting here?

9 Responses to Does the Tooth Fairy accept other forms of payment?
  1. JDaniel4's Mom
    September 29, 2011 | 8:31 am

    I think you did the right thing. Who knows maybe she did come and just didn’t find what she was looking for to make the trade.

  2. Katherine
    September 29, 2011 | 8:54 am

    The tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus…we don’t have those in our house. Which makes it so I don’t have any these situations. Although this one makes me just a little sad.

  3. Cheryl D.
    September 29, 2011 | 9:18 am

    You definitely did the right thing! Just think how awful it would have been if the Tooth Fairy brought him what he wanted. Every night, he would have been bartering his toys for newer ones he wants.’

    Just remind him that the Tooth Fairy is called the Tooth Fairy for a reason!

  4. Paula @ Simply Sandwich
    September 29, 2011 | 10:22 am

    I honestly think you did the right thing Melissa. These are great life lesson opportunities which can be very heartbreaking for the on looking parents. When my kids were little and REALLY wanted something, they had a few options. 1. Christmas. 2. Birthday. 3. Earn the money and buy it themselves.

    Most of the times they were not near the holiday or birthday time so they did jobs around the house. Collecting recycling bottles was a big one. Their purchase was much more special when they did it themselves. :)

  5. Paige Morgan
    September 29, 2011 | 1:31 pm

    As a mom, who has written several congratulatory letter “on behalf” of the Tooth Fairy, I would have taken his note and left a note from the Tooth Fairy explaining how the whole things works. And reminded him to keep flossing! 😉

    Would I have given a gift – no way Mamma! I think you did the right thing!

  6. Helen at Casa Costello
    September 30, 2011 | 3:35 am

    OH a hard one. My head is telling me you definitely did the right thing – my Mummy heart is telling me I would have worried about this all night. These little ones know exactly how to tug our heart strings don’t they?

  7. Olusola
    September 30, 2011 | 8:13 am

    I agree with all the PPs. Tooth fairy takes teeth. But, Santa can always deliver on the Hex thingie. I know, it’s hard sometimes especially when the kids are just so adorable

  8. Practical Parenting
    October 2, 2011 | 12:37 pm

    I would have left a note from the tooth fairy saying, “Thank you so much for thinking of me. I can only collect teeth right now, but I look forward to visiting you again when you lose a tooth.”

    That way he still gets the reality without feeling defeated. Something like that 😉

    • Melissa
      October 2, 2011 | 12:42 pm

      Oh my gosh! I’m going to do that tonight! What a wonderful idea…I’ve been thinking about the fact that I just let it go and his sad little note is still sitting there on the dresser. Here’s some redemption for me…and for him :) XO